
Maxon cinema 4d student
Maxon cinema 4d student

For hi res ppl, yep, it kickass… I prefer it to most mid cost solutions. For you yet Blender is better option (even if cinema was free). So, beware game indy makers(I mean: those using other engines than Blender’s). A friend java coder has seen it and the sdk and says it rocks for the purpose. Just wanted to mention as I myself, previous to buying XSI Foundation, looked several times in maxon’s site to find about formats…Was one of reasons of my decission, XSI has a great x export, as well as dotXSI (XSI has a TEAM for game stuff, did u know that? I read in manuals the other day…) game/realtime export format.An ascii format thought to port much more out of xsi than x. (I think cost bout 700$? can’t remember…) Specially is if has hair (that plugin, shave, I dunno if comes included in bundle…) If you’re in that field, then I think Cinema is the best in mid cost. That is: seems they keep worrying mainly on hi res, movies, and that. I report good exports of md2,md3, x exporting perfectly (md5 and cal3d, too.I just have not tested) Well, the real fact is Blender can export md2,md3, md5, cal3d, x.

maxon cinema 4d student

No x export! (that is, animated and with weights, at least, last time I checked) That is, yep, seems quite good FBX export, but fbx is only good to talk to othe r expensive apps like Maya, Max or Lightwave… But just a tiny tip for game makers…No export of game formats!

Maxon cinema 4d student